Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Tuesday 26th April 2016
Trentham Gardens
Wood Warbler at back path of old caravan park singing and showing by the border fence (HF)
Ford Green NR
Wood Warbler still by stream near the car park
2x Whinchat, 2x Wheatear, 2x Reed Warbler, 4x Whitethroat, 2x LR Plover, Barn Owl, 20x Linnet, 30x Reed Bunting (JDu)
21x Wheatear, Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat, Yellow Wagtail, c40 Linnets (RT NDP)
Knypersley Resv
Long-eared Owl this morning (GBr)
9x Common Sandpiper around the dam (@CWG_sightings)
Silverdale CP
Common Sandpiper early afternoon (NDP)
Middleton Lakes RSPB
Pair of Garganey still at north end of Jubilee
Branston WP
1x Cetti's Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, 2x Common Tern (JW)
5x Wheatear, 2x Whinchat, 3x Little Ringed Plover & Raven at Preston Hill (RAs)
4x Whitethroat, Redstart & Swift (TCa)