Saturday 9 December 2023

Saturday 9th December 2023

Stoke on Trent

7x Waxwing still in Fenton off Frederick St this am and later at nearby Brookes Court, also a Brambling,  (RPa)

                                                                 By Bill Goldstraw


5x Waxwing still opposite the Wellington pub this am, (DCo)  - still late morning, (ALi, SGi, IB, MB, LRa,)  -  Up to 7x Waxwing this afternoon, (SGi)

                                                                   By Steve Gibson


Red Kite over, also 5x Greenfinch in Rocester, (JDr)

Cannock Chase

70x Siskin at Tar Hill, (IWi)


Great Egret in waterlogged field just north of the sewage farm at 15:30, (DSc)


2x YL Gull in the roost also the 3x Great Northern Diver (SRi, JAl)