Drake Garganey still, also a record count of 114x Pintail, (IMG)
Black Redstart still around the picnic benches by House of Rohl facility, (AEv)
Hawfinch still at the St Mary and All Saints church (per RGi)
Westport Lake
Scaup still, (per RGi)
Belvide Resv
Green-winged Teal still, Goshawk, Great Egret, Peregrine
Tittesworth Water
2x Goshawk thru, 38x Wigeon, 6x Goosander, 11x Teal, 15x Common Gull, 5x Willow Tit, (JOa, LH, TE, KH) - This evening 2x YL Gull, 111x Common Gull, (SGi)
Mill Green NR
1w Caspian Gull, (SRi)
Weeping Cross, 2x Brambling on garden feeder, (HKi)
Whitemoor Haye
Slavonian Grebe and 2x Whooper Swan still, 2x Great Egret, 9x Goldeneye, 64x Gadwall, 260x Lapwing, 4x GBB Gull, (ICW) - in addition 87x Teal, 3x Pochard, 40x Wigeon, Shelduck, 5x Shoveler, Little Egret, Cetti's Warbler, (SCo)
Branston GPs
2x YL Gull, 20x Curlew, 35x Golden Plover, Ringed Plover, (TCo) - 32x Little Grebe, Great Egret, 5x Egyptian Geese, 2x Shelduck, 38x Wigeon, 60x Teal, 33x Pochard, 18x Goldeneye, 10x Goosander, 20x Curlew, 450x Lapwing, 53x Golden Plover, Ringed Plover, Jack Snipe, Green Sandpiper, Snipe, 7x GBB Gull, Common Gull, 4x Stonechat, c15,000x Starlings, (DSc)
Great Egret by Dave ScattergoodBank Top Farm (north of Dilhorne)
Red Kite, 6x Raven in misty conditions, (DSc)
Bunkers Hill Wood
2x Firecrest present this morning, (JLi)
Roost Iceland Gull, 40x GBB Gull, 25x Common Gull, also 20x Goldeneye, (CW)