Thursday, 29 August 2013

Thursday 29 August 2013

BLITHFIELD RESV - WMBC members are reminded that there is strictly no vehicular access on the exposed foreshore by order of the water company at Blithfield. Anyone doing so may have their permits cancelled. Please keep to the perimeter tracks but take care when doing so. Thanks (Blithfield Birders Group).

Knypersley Res
Fem juv  Scaup this morning

Hanchurch Woods
21x Crossbill near the Woodcutters cottage (TR)

Cannock Chase
3x Crossbill, Spotted Flycatcher (RW) also Redstart and Spotted Flycatcher (RD)

Belvide Res (permit only)
Female Garganey still

Blithfield Res (permit only)
Osprey, 4x Curlew Sandpiper, 3x Ruff, 2x Greenshank, 2x Ringed Plover, 2x LR Plover, 4x Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, 2x Little Egret, 6x Common Tern, Whinchat (RB)

Branston GPs
5x Green Sandpiper, 5x Snipe, 2x Ringed Plover, Dunlin, 2x Curlew, c200 Teal, 12x Shoveler, 41x Little Grebe (JW)

Uttoxeter Quarry
9x Green Sandpiper, 2x Greenshank, 3x Common Sandpiper, 20x Snipe, Ringed Plover (AB)