Tittesworth Res
2x Green Sandpiper early morning also Greenshank and Kingfisher (PS)
Middleton Lakes RSPB
Great White Egret again this morning on Jubilee Wetlands.
Hanchurch Woods
60x Crossbill this morning - SJ839399.
Alton farmland
11x Spotted Flycatcher along a hedge (TE)
Blithfield Res (permit only)
Osprey one south over the causeway early afternoon.
Branston GPs
2x Wood Sandpiper, Black-tailed Godwit, 13x Green Sandpiper, 8x Curlew, 5x Snipe, 5x Ringed Plover, 2x Ruff, 2x Little Egret, Hobby, 28x Little Grebe, 5x Gadwall (DS)