Belvide Res
Female Velvet Scoter still also drake Scaup, Redshank, Curlew, 2x Swallow, 3x Sand Martin
Osprey north over Wembley Lane at 13:05 (GHa)
Blithfield Res
Osprey in Tad Bay at 14:20, also 8x Oystercatcher, 4x Goldeneye, 2x Goosander, 3x Wigeon, Shelduck, 2x Raven, c20 Meadow Pipit plus Muntjac Deer, Tree Bumblebee (JW)
Doxey Marsh
Cetti's Warbler, Blackcap, 2x Little Egret, Water Rail, 4x Chiffchaff (GHa)
Blackcap, also Hairy-footed Flower Bee (1st this year) (JW)
Cannock Chase
12x Skylark, 20x Meadow Pipit (RWi)
424x Meadow Pipit over north between 07:00 and 08:00 also a Wheatear (RT NDP)
2x Swallow, 2x Green Sandpiper, 5x Snipe, Water Rail, 2x Shelduck, 8x Tree Sparrow, 2x Raven, 30x Stock Dove, 46x Teal, 18x Reed Bunting, 2x Red-legged Partridge, Goosander & Kingfisher (DCo)
Ford Green
Kingfisher, drake Goosander & 4x Chiffchaff (JJo)
c400 Golden Plover in field by cemetery (NDP)
Marchington Woodland
Female adult Osprey (satellite-tagged) went to roost at 20:00